<p>“The articles in this volume convey a palpable sense of urgency: since English language teacher well-being is essential for English language learners to experience success, something must be done before English language teachers collapse under the weight of the incredible burden they were already bearing prior to the outbreak of the war in the Middle East.” - Kathleen Barnard, Teachers College Record</p>
Biographical note
Luis Javier Pentón Herrera currently serves as Assistant Professor at the University of Warsaw, Poland, in the Department of Modern Languages and The Institute of Applied Linguistics. His current research focuses on social-emotional learning (SEL), emotions, and well-being in language and literacy education, Indigenous students from Latin America, immigrant and refugee education, and autoethnography and storytelling.
Gilda Martínez-Alba is the Assistant Dean at the College of Education at Towson University, Maryland, USA. Her research interests include English language teacher wellness, asset-based literacy instruction for multilingual learners, and social-emotional learning.
Ethan Trinh is a Vietnamese immigrant, activist, feminist, writer, queer researcher, and teacher educator pursuing their doctorate at the Middle and Secondary Education Department, Georgia State University, USA. Their research interests are autoethnography, storytelling, queer studies, and new materialism in English language teaching.