Biographical note
Jeroen van den Hoven is Full Professor of Moral Philosophy at Delft University of Technology, Scientific Director of the 3Technical University Centre of Ethics and Technology (3TU Centre) ( and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Technology of Policy and Management. He is Editor in Chief of Ethics and Information Technology (Springer) and Founding Chair of the CEPE conference (Computer Ethics Philosophical Enquiry). He has published numerous articles on Ethics and Information Technology. An edited volume Information Technology and Moral Philosophy was published by Cambridge University Press in 2008 (hardcover) and 2009 (paperback). He co-authored a book (with Dean Cocking) entitled Evil On Line that will be published by Wiley Blackwell in 2013. An edited collection (with Thomas Pogge, Seumas Miller) entitled The Design Turn in Applied Ethics will appear with Cambridge University Press in 2012. Van den Hoven was the winner of the 2009 World Technology Award in the category Ethics and received the IFIP Namur Award for Society and Information Technology.
Ibo van de Poel is AvL Professor in Ethics and Technology at Delft University of Technology. His research focuses on engineering ethics, the moral acceptability of technological risks, values and engineering design, moral responsibility in research networks and ethics of new emerging technologies like nanotechnology. He is co-editor of the Handbook of Philosophy of Technology and the Engineering Sciences (Elsevier, 2009), Philosophy and Engineering (Springer, 2010), Moral Responsibility. Beyond Free Will And Determinism (Springer, 2011) and co-author of Ethics, Engineering and Technology (Wiley-Blackwell, 2011). He has a VICI grant for his research proposal New Technologies as Social Experiments: Conditions for Morally Responsible Experimentation from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).