’The publication analyzes in a comprehensive way the characteristics and dynamics of innovation throughout the value chain and provides effective examples of how tourism businesses and destinations develop and implement innovative approaches. Innovation is at the heart of the 10YFP Programme on Sustainable Tourism (10YFP STP), led by UNWTO together with the Governments of France, Korea and Morocco, as it aims at accelerating the shift towards more sustainable consumption and production patters. Decoupling economic growth from resources use is not only needed in a tourism sector, which is continuously growing in importance and size, but it is also of pivotal importance for our nowadays societies. Innovation in tourism is of crucial importance for sustainable and resilient growth.’ Dirk Glaesser, Director, Sustainable Development of Tourism, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Biographical note
Dr Harald Pechlaner is the Professor and holder of the Chair of Tourism, Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt, Germany and Scientific Director of the Institute for Regional Development and Location Management at the European Academy of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy. He is the assessor for a number of scientific journals and he is a Member of several boards such as the Editorial Advisory Board of Tourism and Hospitality. He has been published in many English journals.
Dr Elisa Innerhofer is a Senior researcher at the European Academy of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, in the Institute for Regional Development and Location Management. Her book entitled Strategic Innovation in the Hotel Industry was published by Springer, in German in July 2012.