<p>"Through its detailed documentation of ecological interactions between individual organisms and across landscapes, <i>Coffee Agroecology</i> contributes to practical explanations of how agriculture and biodiversity conservation may take place simultaneously." – <em>Barbara Forbes, Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems</em></p><p>"Even if you are not particularly interested in coffee this book makes a nice applied ecological study looking at ecological interactions in producing a product that most of us simply take for granted."<em> - Peter Thomas, Bulletin of the British Ecological Society</em></p><p>"This book is an academic <em>tour de force</em> that brings together history, ecology, agriculture, biology, economics, politics and social sciences in a single narrative around coffee production, thereby providing an example for other crop production systems. Its optimistic conclusion is that the ecosystems, biodiversity, agricultural production and famers’ livelihoods can all benefit from appropriate, ‘thought-intensive’, agroecological syndromes of production." – <em>Paul Harding, Agriculture for Development</em></p>
Biographical note
Ivette Perfecto is George W. Pack Professor of Ecology, Natural Resources and Environment at the University of Michigan, USA.
John Vandermeer is Asa Grey Distinguished University Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and Alfred T. Thurnau Professor at the University of Michigan, USA.