<p>"Utopian in theme and implication, this book shows how the practices of critical, interpretive inquiry can help change the world in positive ways…. This is the promise, the hope, and the agenda that is offered."--<strong>Norman K. Denzin, From the Foreword</strong> </p><p>"Its focus on learning, education and pedagogy gives this book a particular relevance and significance in contemporary cultural studies. Its impressive authors, thoughtful structuring, wide range of perspectives, attention to matters of educational policy and practice, and suggestions for transformative pedagogy all provide for a compelling and significant volume."--<strong>H. Svi Shapiro, University of North Carolina–Greensboro</strong> </p>
"Utopian in theme and implication, this book shows how the practices of critical, interpretive inquiry can help change the world in positive ways…. This is the promise, the hope, and the agenda that is offered."--Norman K. Denzin, From the Foreword
"Its focus on learning, education and pedagogy gives this book a particular relevance and significance in contemporary cultural studies. Its impressive authors, thoughtful structuring, wide range of perspectives, attention to matters of educational policy and practice, and suggestions for transformative pedagogy all provide for a compelling and significant volume."--H. Svi Shapiro, University of North Carolina–Greensboro
Distinguished international scholars from a wide range of disciplines (including curriculum studies, foundations of education, adult education, higher education, and consumer education) come together in this book to explore consumption and its relation to learning, identity development, and education. Readers will learn about a variety of ways in which learning and education intersect with consumption. This volume is unique within the literature of education in its examination of educational sites – both formal and informal – where learners and teachers are resisting consumerism and enacting a critical pedagogy of consumption.
Distinguished international scholars from a wide range of disciplines explore consumption and its relation to learning, identity development, and education. This volume is unique within the literature of education in its examination of educational sites – both formal and informal – where learners and teachers are resisting consumerism and enacting a critical pedagogy of consumption.
Chapter 1: Introduction: Exploring Consumption’s Pedagogy and Envisioning a Critical Pedagogy of Consumption—Living and Learning in the Shadow of the "Shopocalypse," Jennifer A. Sandlin, Arizona State University and Peter McLaren, UCLA
Part I: Education, Consumption, and the Social, Economic, and Environmental Crises of Capitalism
Chapter 2: Rootlessness, Reenchantment and Educating Desire: A Brief History of the Pedagogy of Consumption, Michael Hoechsmann, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Chapter 3: Consuming Learning, Robin Usher, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
Chapter 4: Producing Crisis: Green Consumerism as an Ecopedagogical Issue, Richard Kahn, University of North Dakota
Chapter 5: Teaching Against Consumer Capitalism in the Age of Commercialization and Corporatization of Public Education, Ramin Farahmandpur, Portland State University
Part II: Schooling the Consumer Citizen
Chapter 6: Schooling for Consumption, Joel Spring, Queens College and Graduate Center, City University of New York
Chapter 7: Schools Inundated in a Marketing-Saturated World, Alex Molnar, Arizona State University, Faith Boninger, Arizona State University, Gary Wilkinson, University of Hull, England and Joseph Fogarty, Corballa National School, Sligo, Ireland and Chairperson of the Campaign for Commercial-Free Education
Chapter 8: Exploring the Privatized Dimension of Entrepreneurship Education and its Link to the Emergence of the College Student Entrepreneur, Matthew M. Mars, McGuire Center of Entrepreneurship, University of Arizona
Chapter 9: Framing Higher Education: Nostalgia, Entrepreneurship, Consumerism and Redemption, Gustavo E. Fischman, Arizona State University and Eric Haas, WestEd, Oakland, CA
Chapter 10: Politicizing Consumer Education: Conceptual Evolutions, Sue L. T. McGregor, Mount St. Vincent University, Halifax, Canada
Part III: Consumption, Popular Culture, Everyday Life, and the Education of Desire
Chapter 11: Consuming the All-American Corporate Burger: McDonald’s "Does It All For You," Joe L. Kincheloe
Chapter 12: Barbie: The Bitch Can Buy Anything, Shirley R. Steinberg, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Chapter 13: Consuming Skin: Dermographies of Female Subjection and Abjection, Jane Kenway, Monash University, Victoria, Australia and Elizabeth Bullen, Deakin University, Victoria, Australia
Chapter 14: Happy Cows and Passionate Beefscapes: Nature as Landscape and Lifestyle in Food Advertisements, Anne Marie Todd, San Jose State University
Chapter 15: Creating the Ethical Parent-Consumer Subject: Commerce, Moralities and Pedagogies in Early Parenthood, Lydia Martens, Keele University, UK
Chapter 16: Chocolate, Place, and a Pedagogy of Consumer Privilege, David A. Greenwood, Washington State University
Part IV: Unlearning Consumerism through Critical Pedagogies of Consumption: Sites of Contestation and Resistance
Chapter 17: Re-Imagining Consumption: Political and Creative Practices of Arts-Based Environmental Adult Education, Darlene E. Clover, University of Victoria, Canada and Katie Shaw, University of Victoria, Canada
Chapter 18: Using Cultural Production to Undermine Consumption: Paul Robeson as Radical Cultural Worker, Stephen D. Brookfield, University of St. Thomas, Minneapolis, MN
Chapter 19: Beyond the Culture Jam, Valerie Scatamburlo-D’Annibale, University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Chapter 20: Global Capitalism and Strategic Visual Pedagogy, David Darts, New York University and Kevin Tavin, The Ohio State University
Chapter 21: Turning America Into a Toy Store, Henry A. Giroux, McMaster University
Chapter 22: United We Consume? Artists Trash Consumer Culture and Corporate Green Washing, Nicolas Lampert, Visual Artist, JustSeeds Visual Resistance Artists’ Cooperative
List of Contributors
Biographical note
Jennifer A. Sandlin is Assistant Professor in the Division of Advanced Studies in Education Policy, Leadership, and Curriculum, Mary Lou Fulton Institute and Graduate School of Education, Arizona State University, Tempe.
Peter McLaren is Professor in the Division of Urban Schooling, the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, University of California, Los Angeles.