'It's all clever stuff, reminiscent of Tom Stoppard. But it's not just funny, it's unexpectedly moving, too... the heart and soul of this audacious piece remained evident throughout. The wit is never facetious, and the pain that bubbles beneath it is exquisitely balanced in two mighty central performances.
Lyn Gardner, The Guardian
'I remember being bowled over by Terry Johnson’s Hysteria when it received its premiere at the Royal Court in 1993. Twenty years on it strikes me as a modern classic. Johnson does something remarkable here combining low farce with intellectual muscle. The result is hilariously funny, genuinely thought-provoking and at key moments, deeply affecting'.
The Telegraph
...an affectionate, funny and poignant homage to Jack Cardiff, the great British cinematographer...Exquisitely achieved...****
- The Independent,
It's a poignant study of the impact of ageing...a gently affectionate and touching piece.
- The Financial Times,