Tim Wall′s <i>Studying Popular Music Culture</i> is that rare thing, an academic study of music that seeks to tie together the strands of the musical text, the industry that produces it, and the audience that gives it meaning. Wall acts as a wary guide to an industry that is currently in total flux, showing the reader how conventional histories of popular music are shaped by social, industrial and technical factors that ultimately leak over into the ways in which we listen to and interpret music. The new edition provides a timely account of the history of the recorded music industry as it responds to new technologies and industrial approaches, with an ever-keen eye on how industrial practice relates to the ways in which audiences consume and use popular music in a variety of ways. Wall′s lucid style provides a coherent summary of a cultural form that is never easy to grapple with at the best of times. <i>Studying Popular Music Culture</i> is a vital read for anyone interested in the changing nature of popular music production and consumption, whether as student, an industry insider or just a fan of popular music.<br /><b>Dr Nathan Wiseman-Trowse<br />The University of Northampton</b>